02-07.02.1948. Sankt Moritz, Switzerland




                        5th Winter Olympic Games

            02.02.1948.  at 10h                 Downhill, men

02.02.1948.  at 14:30              Downhill, women
            04.02.1948.  at  9h                 
Combined Slalom, women*
            04.02.1948.                             Alpine Combined, women
            04.02.1948.  at 9:30               
Combined Slalom, men*
            04.02.1948.                             Alpine Combined, men
            05.02.1948.  at  9h                  Special Slalom, women
            05.02.1948.  at 10h                 Special Slalom, men


Major races of 1948.

List of Winter Olympic Games




    * Combined slaloms counted merely for the Alpine Combined event, and
               a separate set of medals was awarded for the Special Slaloms.